Single Dish Observing School, Presented Jointly by the Green Bank and Arecibo Observatories

The GBO/AO Single Dish Observing School provides students, post-docs, and experts in other fields of astronomy with both knowledge and practical experience of the techniques and applications of single-dish radio astronomy. The workshops are based around an intensive series of lectures from experts, as well as hands-on radio-astronomy projects and tutorials.  Topics that are covered include key science areas for single dish radio telescopes, radio emission properties, fundamentals of radio telescopes and radio frequency instrumentation, observing techniques and strategies, calibration and data processing, and complementary use of single dish and interferometric telescopes.

The Single Dish Observing School will be held once per year. An intensive GBT training workshop will be held immediately following the school for those who wish to obtain remote observing certification with the Green Bank Telescope.

We will host this workshop at the Green Bank Observatory with both in-person and remote participation available. We require any in-person participants to be fully vaccinated (Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J) before coming to Green Bank, and we will have daily health and temperature screenings (email [email protected] with vaccination questions). Green Bank and Arecibo scientists will be available to give students an introduction to single dish observing, and telescope-specific training on the Green Bank telescope. There is no registration fee for the workshop, and your housing accommodations and food will be paid for while you are in Green Bank. We are unfortunately not able to pay for transportation to Green Bank.

Applications will be open from July 1 to August 1. As there are a limited number of spaces available, we will review applications and alert accepted participants in early August 2021. If we have more applicants than spaces available, we will prioritize attendance by (1) graduate students, (2) applicants with single dish telescope proposals under review or who are actively using archival data, (3) professional scientists looking to gain understanding of the single dish telescopes before submitting a proposal in a future call, (4) all other applicants.


13 – 21 September 2021


Green Bank, WV