Planet Characterization Workshop

Inclusion of events & deadlines on the AAS Calendar is for viewer information only and does not imply endorsement by the American Astronomical Society.

How does one characterize a planet? How do we handle borderline cases like Vesta or brown dwarfs? Can or should scientists consider round moons to be planets? How can scientists leverage planet characterization as a hook to increase scientific literacy in the population?

If those questions intrigued you, consider submitting an abstract for the Planet Characterization workshop 21-23 February in Houston and virtually: Note that abstract submission ends 8 December.

Invited and confirmed speakers include Phil Metzger, University of Central Florida; Chris Bradburne, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory; Ravi Kumar Kopparapu, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Jack Lissauer, NASA Ames Research Center; Jean-Luc Margot, University of California; Constance Martin-Trembley, Endeavour Middle School; Alan Stern, Southwest Research Institute; Katie Bennett, John Hopkins University; and Steven Dick, NASA United States Naval Observatory.

Questions? Contact Mark SykesAlan SternKatie Bennett, or Kirby Runyon.


21 – 23 February 2024


Houston, TX and virtual