23 March 2023

Request for Updates: Membership Directory’s Institutional Listings

Diane Frendak

Diane Frendak American Astronomical Society (AAS)

2023 Membership Directory mockup

The Society is preparing the 2023 AAS Membership Directory for production in the coming months. Meanwhile, we ask for your assistance with updating the directory’s institutional listings.

Institutional listings are divided into two groups based on location: North America and locales beyond North America. The institutions themselves may be departments of astronomy, astrophysics, or physics at colleges and universities, professional astronomical societies, observatories, and labs. Please take a look at the last set to be printed and let us know what needs to be updated.

There are two ways to submit your update request(s). The preferred method is to add a comment:

  • Click on the links above and select the "Add a Comment" icon on the upper right side;
  • Click the location where you want to place your comments and/or corrections.

This way, everyone else can view your note, thus decreasing the number of duplicate corrections.

Another option is to email [email protected] with your comments, corrections, and/or additions. We’ll share your comments on the online PDF files.

The turnaround for updates is a quick one! The deadline is Tuesday, 18 April. Thank you for your help!

Questions? Contact your friendly membership team.