
Report on the National AAS Department Chairs Meeting

1 Jan 2013

The biennial AAS Department Chairs Meeting was held in Chicago on Saturday, 3 November 2012, with about 35 chairs attending from around the nation. The meeting was sponsored by the AAS and organized by Jerry Sellwood...

JWST Science Instrument Payload Update

2 Jan 2013

The JWST science instrument payload is designed as a highly integrated module in which many systems are shared among the science instruments in order to reduce mass, power, and volume resources. This Integrated Science...

Candidate Statements

19 Nov 2012

We are grateful for the following AAS members who have agreed to stand for election. Please support their dedication by voting. Members eligible to vote will be notified when the electronic ballot is posted on members...

Washington News

19 Nov 2012

Telling our story has become more and more important as we begin to peer over the fiscal cliff.  We must tell our story on the importance of investing in the astronomical sciences or we risk critical losses in funding. ...


19 Nov 2012

NSO Observing Proposal Deadline - 15 November: Service Mode Information
The current deadline for submitting observing proposals to the National Solar Observatory is 15 November 2012 for the first quarter of 2013...

Bringing Sustainability into Your Institution

19 Nov 2012

Sustainability is a complex issue with a large array of consequences ranging from local to global and from scientific and economic to natural and spiritual. As astronomers, we usually apply the same standards of...

Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy

19 Nov 2012

Although recent decades have seen significant progress by women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), this rate of progress is not shared by women scientists belonging to underrepresented...

Committee on Employment

19 Nov 2012

Working Outside the Box

I graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a Bachelor of Science degree in astronomy in 2005, then three years later graduated from The Catholic University of America with a...

JWST Update

19 Nov 2012

The Space Telescope Science Institute

The JWST Science Operations Design Reference Mission (SODRM)

The scientific potential of JWST is most often characterized through its four primary science themes, “Planetary Systems...

HAD News

15 Nov 2012

Harvey and Victoria Bricker Awarded the 2013 Donald E. Osterbrock Book Prize for Astronomy in the Maya Codices

The AAS Historical Astronomy Division’s Donald E. Osterbrock Book Prize for 2013 will be awarded to Harvey M...