
Calling All 40-Year-Plus and Emeritus Members!

9 September 2013
The AAS is reaching out to its emeritus members and those who have belonged to the Society for at least 40 years to recognize them for their long-term support and to explore how better to serve them.

NOAO Proposals for Semester 2014A Due Soon

5 Sep 2013
The National Optical Astronomy Observatory invites observing proposals for the period 1 February - 31 July 2014. Time is available on telescopes at Kitt Peak, Cerro Tololo, Mauna Kea, and other observatories. Deadline...

New Report on Women Among Physics & Astronomy Faculty

26 Aug 2013
The AIP Statistical Research Center's latest publication shows that the representation of women among physics faculty members continues to grow, reaching 14% in 2010. In astronomy-only departments, women account for 19%...

From the Executive Office

29 Aug 2013
With Executive Officer Kevin Marvel on sabbatical, other managers on the AAS staff are taking turns writing this column. In this installment, Kim Earle, Director of Meeting Services, reports on the inaugural events in...

Applications Invited for OSTP Internship Program

27 Aug 2013
The Office of Science and Technology Policy seeks applications for its Spring 2014 Internship Program from college and university students who are U.S. citizens. Deadline: 4 October 2013.

Report on the 2012 IAU XXVIII General Assembly

26 August 2013
Ed Guinan and Kathie Bailey-Mathae review highlights from the triennial IAU General Assembly held in Beijing, China, in August 2012. The next such gathering will be in Honolulu, Hawaii, in August 2015.